Sunday, July 1, 2012

Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?

It was just a couple of days ago that the Supreme Court finally sided with the people in their ruling on the "Affordable Care Act." I was fairly sure that the outcome would be positive and just as sure of the republican response. I was even prepared for the blatant disrespect that republican politicians have shown the President and his entire administration. I have been astounded at the levels of treasonous comments by politicians and private citizens alike. Rick Scott the wrongly elected governor of Florida takes the prize for disrespect and now has added blatant law breaking to his crimes against the people. Yes I said it, "Rick Scott is a lying, cheating, law breaking elitist who believes himself to be above the law. He has stated publicly that he will not allow implementation of the medicaid portion of the ACA.  Why are you trying so hard to run the poor people out of Florida Mr. Scott? Who will mow your lawns, clean your home, stock your store shelves, or any other of the thousands of menial tasks that the working poor perform for the rich and privileged every single day. Ours is not a welfare family, we work and pay our taxes. We are to prideful for our own good, some people say because we don't ask for help from government agencies if we can help it. Medicaid is important to us however. My granddaughter was born with a brain disorder. 'De Mosier's Syndrome' AKA Septo Optic Dysplasia. Yes it is as serious as it sounds. Without help from the Medicaid program it is totally possible that 'Belle' would not have access to medical care at all. Some of her medications are very expensive, most importantly the seizure prevention meds. she takes twice daily. We are the working poor and as such could never afford these medications that literally keep her alive without help. Apparently Mr. Scott would just as soon she die. Lucky for us there are other states and much as we love our home state we will leave and go where ever we have to go to get her care. Before we take those drastic measures though we will fight for the care that Belle needs right here. Scott can't and will not win easily, we will not go quietly. In fact, we will only go kicking and screaming at the top of our voices. There are many things that the rich can buy, our silence in the face of injustice is not one of them. The Supreme Court may have better things to do than cite Scott for contempt. I have nothing more important than seeing my granddaughter taken care of properly. So, get ready Tallahassee I will be there from here every day until Scott does as the court has decreed. If need be I will walk there and stand on the steps of the statehouse. I am totally committed to this cause. I have had enough of you Rick Scott, so let me put it to you the way most bosses would say it to their workers, "Get the job done or go the hell home!" You work for me rich man.

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